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《Linux内核设计与实现(Linux Kernel Development)》pdf电子书免费下载






Linux内核设计与实现(Linux Kernel Development)




《Linux内核设计与实现(Linux Kernel Development)》介绍

De relo perk Library books are designed to prov de pract ng programmers wthunique, high-quality references and tutorials on the program tn ing languages andtechnologies they use in their daily work.All bou ks in the Dere loper'Lil nary are written by expert technology practitionerswho are especially skilled at organizing and presenting information in away tha esuseful for other program n mers

Key titles include some of the best, most widely ae claimed books within theirtopic areas:PHPSMySQLWalDevclopneentPython Esse u tial ReferenceLuke Welling&Laura ThomsonDavid Beazley

ISBN 978-0-672-32946-3ipok.talk.paper 1.Lnux.2.Opera tn gay stems(Computers)lex to egtheLoledStaesonreyaed paper at RRD on rell.Cram frd all, In dans.Many af the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to dist n guish their productsare claimed as trade merks.Where those de eig nations ap peer in this book, and the publisheer was aware of a trademark cia im, the designations have baen prnt ed with initial capitalThe author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make noex or essed or impl led warranty of ary kind and assume ne responsibility for errors crom is-sions.No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with ararising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein,The publisher offers axcel i ant discounts on this book when ordered n quant y for bull cpu rchases or sp eol al sales, wh vich may include electronic versions and/or custom covers andsrtmbfemcrffebdeseoohac taming go a, mara tngt us, and bra on gini e ests.Evaluation Warning:The document was created with Spire.PDF for.NET.

《Linux内核设计与实现(Linux Kernel Development)》目录

Contents at a Glance

1Introducion to the Linux Kernel 1

2 GettingStarted with the Kernel 11

3 Process Management 23

4 Process Scheduling 41

5 System Calls69

6 Kernel DataStructures 85

7 Interrupts and Interrupt Handlers113

8 Bottom Halves and Deferring Work 133

9An Introduction to Kernel Synchronization161

10 Kernel Synchronization Methods175

11 Timers and Time Management 207

12 Memory Management 231

13 The Virtual Filesystem261

14 The Block I/OLayer 289

15 The Process Address Space 305

16 The PageCache and Page Writeback323

17 Devices and Modules 337

18 Debugging 363

19 Portability 379

20 Patches, Hacking, and the Community 395

Bibliography 407

Index 411


1 Introduction to the Linux Kernel 1

History of Unix 1

Along Came Linus:Introduction to Linux 3

Over v lew of Operating Systems and Kem els 4

Linux Versus Classic Unix Kernels 6

Linux Kem el Versions 8

The Linux Kem el Development Community 10

Before We Begin 10

2 GettingStarted with the Kernel 11

Obtaining the Kernel Source 11

Using Git 11

Inline Functions18

Inline Assembly 19

Branch Annotation 19

Installing the Kernel Source 12

Using Patches12

The Kem el SourceTree 12

Bull ding the Kernel13

Configuring the Kem el 14

Minimizing Build Noise 15

Spawning Multiple Build Jobs 16

Installing the New Kernel16

A Beast of a Different Nature 16

No libc or Standard Headers 17

GNU C 18

No Memory Protection 20

No(Easy) Use of Floating Point 20

5m all, Fixed-Size Stack 20

Synchron t zation and Concurrency 21

Importance of Portability 21

Conclusion 21

3 Process Management 23

The Process 23

Process Descriptor and the Task Structure 24

Allocating the Process Descriptor 25

Storing the Process Descriptor 26

Process State 27

Manipulating the Current Process State 29

Process Context 29

The Process Family Tree 29

Process Creation 31

Copy-on-Write 31

For king 32

v tork33

The Linux Implementation of Threads 33

Creating Threads34

Kernel Threads 35

Process Termination 36

Removing the Process Descriptor 37

The Dilemma of the Parentless Task 38

Conclusion 40

4 Process Scheduling 41

Multitasking 41

Linux's Process Scheduler 42

Policy 43

/O-Bound Versus Processor Bound Process 0s 43

Process Priority 44


The Scheduling Policy in Action 45

The Linux Scheduling Algorithm 46

Scheduler Classes 46

Process Scheduling in Unix System ns 47

Fair Scheduling 48

The Linux Scheduling Implementation 50

Time Accounting 50

The Scheduler Entity Structure 50

The Virtual Runtime 51


Process Selection 52

Picking the Next Task 53

Adding Processes to the Tree 54

Removing Processes from the Tree 56

The Scheduler EntryPoint 57

Sleeping and Waking Up 58

Wait Queues 58

Waking Up 61

Preemption and Context Switching 62

User Preemption 62

Kernel Preemption 63

Real-Time Scheduling Policies 64

Scheduler-Related System Calls 65

Scheduling Policy and Priority Related

System Calls 66

Processor A finity System Calls 66

Yielding Pra cessor Time 66

Conclusion 67

5 System Calls 69

Communicating with the Kernel 69

APIs, POSIX, and the C Library70

Syscalls 71

System Call Numbers

System Call Performance

System Call Handler

Denoting the Correct System Call 73

Parameter Passing74

System Call Implementation74

Implementing System Calls 74

Verifying the Parameters 75

System Call Context78

Final Steps in Binding a System Call 79

Accessing the System Call from User-Space 81

Why Not to Implement a System Call 82

Conclusion 83

Can tents

6Kemel DataStructures 85

Linked Lists 85

Singly and Doubly Linked Lists 85

Circular Linked Lists 86

Moving Through a LinkedList 87

The Linux Kornel's Implementation 88

The LinkedList Structure 88

Defining a LinkedList 89

List Heads90

Manipulating Linked Lists 90

Adding aNode to a LinkedList 90

Deleting aNode from a LinkedList 91

Moving and Splicing LinkedList Nodes 92

T aver sing Linked Lists 93

The Basic Approach 93

The Usable Approach 93

Itera ing Through a List Backward 94

Iterating While Removing 95

Other LinkedList Methods 96


Creating a Queue 97

Enqueuing Data 98

De queuing Data 98

Obtaining the Sizeof a Queue 98

Reso tting and Destroying the Queue 99

Example Quo ue Usage 99

Initializing an idr 101

Allocating a New UID 101

Looking Up a UID 102

Removing a UID 103

Destroying an idr 103

Binary Trees103

Binary Search Trees 104

Self Balancing Binary Sc arch Trees 105

Red-Black Trees 105

rb trees 106


What DataStructure to Use, When 108

Algorithmic Complexity 109

Algorithms 109

Big-O Notation 109

Big Theta Notation 109

Time Complexity 110

Can clusion111

7 Interrupts and Interrupt Handlers 113

Interrupts 113

Interrupt Handlers114

Top Halves Versus Bottom Halves 115

Registering an Interrupt Handier 116

Interrupt Handler Flags 116

An Interrupt Example 117

Freeing an Interrupt Handler 118

Writing an Interrupt Handler 118

Shared Handlers 119

A Real Lite Interrupt Hand ier. 120

Interrupt Context 122

Implement ng Interrupt Handlers 123


Interrupt Control 127

Disabling and Enabling Interrupts127

Disabling a Speci tic Interrupt Line 129

Status of the Interrupt System 130

Conclusion 131

8 Bottom Halves and Deferring Work 133

Bottom Halves 134

Why Bottom Halves ? 134

A World of Bottom Halves 135

The Original“Bottom Half”135

Task Queues 135

Soft i rgs and Task lets136

Dispelling the Confusion 137

Softirq s 137

Implementing Softirq s 137

The Softirq Handler138

Executing Softirq s 138

Using Softirq s140

Assigning an Index 140

Registering Your Handler141

Raising Your Softirq 141

Task lets 142

Implementing Task lets 142

The Task let Structure 142

Scheduling Task lets 143

Using Task lets144

Declaring Your Task let 144

Writing Your Task let Handler145

Scheduling Your Task let 145

k softirq d 146

The Old BH Mechanism 148

Work Queues 149

Implementing Work Queues 149

Why Do We Need Protection ? 162

The Single Variable163

DataStructures Representing the Threads 149

DataStructures Representing the Work 150

Work Queue Implementation Summary 152

Using Work Queues 153

Creating Work153

Your Work Queue Handler 153

Scheduling Work153

Flushing Work 154

Creating New Work Queues 154

The Old Task Queue Mechanism 155

Which Bottom Halt Should I Use? 156

Locking Between the Bottom Halves 157

Disabling Bottom Halves 157

Can clus ian 159

9An Introduction to Kernel Synchronization 161

Critical Regions and Race Conditions 162


x ili

Lacking 165

Causes of Concurrency 167

Knowing What to Protect 168

Deadlocks 169

Contention and Scalability 171

Conclusion 172

10 Kernel Synchronization Methods 175

Atomic Operations 175

Kernel Notion of Time 208

The Ideal HZ Value 210

Atomic Integer Operations 176

64-Bit Atomic D perations180

Atomic Bitwise Operations 181

SpinLocks 183

SpinLock Methods184

Other SpinLock Methods 186

SpinLocks and Bottom Halves 187

Reader Writer SpinLocks 188

Semaphores 190

Counting and Binary Semaphores 191

Creating and Initializing Semaphores 192

Using Semaphores 193

Reader Writer Semaphores 194

Mutexes 195

Semaphores Versus Mutexes197

SpinLocks Versus Mutexes 197

Completion Variables197

BKL:The Big Kernel Lock 198

Sequential Locks 200

Preemption Disabling 201

Ordering and Barriers 203

Conc i usion 206

11 Timers and Time Management 207

The Tick Rate:HZ 208

Advantages with a larger HZ 210

Disadvantages with a Larger HZ 211

Jit fies 212

Internal Representation of Jiffies 213

Jit fies Wraparound214

UserSpace and HZ 216

Hardware Clocks and Timers 216

RealTime Clock 217

System Timer 217

The Timer Interrupt Handler 217

The TimeofDay 220

Timers 222

Using Timers 222

Timer Race Conditions 224

Timer Implementation 224

Delaying Execution 225

Busy Looping 225

Small Delays 226

schedule_timeout() 227

12 Memory Management 231

schedule_time aut() Implementation 228

Sleeping on a Walt Queue, with a Timeout 229

Can clusion 230

Pages 231


Getting Pages 235

Getting Zeroed Pages 236

Freeing Pages 237


gfp_mask Flags 238

Action Modifiers 239

Zone Modi tiers 240

Type Flags 241

k free() 243


Slab Layer 245

Design of the Slab Layer 245



Slab Allocator Interface 249

Allocating Trom the Cache 250

Statically Allocating on the Stack 252

Common Filesystem Interface 261

Filesystem Abstraction Layer 262

Unix Filesystems 263

VFS Objects and Their DataStructures 255

The Superblock Object 266

Superblock Operations 267

The Inode Object 270

Inode Operations 271

The Dentry Object 275

Dentry State 276

The Dentry Cache 276

Dentry Operations 278

The File Object 279

File Operations 280

DataStructures Associated with Filesystems 285

DataStructures Associated with a Process 286

Can clusion 288

Example of Using the Slab Allocator 251

Single Page Kernel Stacks 252

Playing Fair on the Stack 253

High Memory Mappings 253

Permanent Mappings 254

Temporary Mappings 254

Per-CPU Allocations 255

The New per opu Interface256

Per-CPU Data at Compile-Time 256

Per-CPU Data at Runtime 257

Reasons for Using Per-CPU Data 258

Picking an Allocation Method 259

Conclusion 260

13 The Virtual Filesystem 261

14 The Block I/OLayer 289

Anatomy of a Block Dev ie 290

Buffers and Buffer Heads 291

The bioS trust ure 294

/O vectors 295

The Old Versus the New 296

Request Queues 297

//O Schedulers 297

The Job of an I/O Scheduler 298

The Linus Elevator 299

The Deadline I/O Scheduler 300

The Anticipatory I/O Scheduler 302

15 The Process Address Space 305

The Complete Fair Queuing I/O Scheduler 303

The No opl/O Scheduler 303

// 0 Scheduler Selection 304

Conc i usion 304

Address Spaces 305

The Memory Descriptor 306

Allocating a Memory Descriptor 308

Destroying a Memory Descriptor 309

Them_struct and Kernel Threads 309

Virtual Memory Areas 309

VMA Rags311

VMA Operations 312

Lists and Trees of Memory Areas313

Memory Areas in Real Life 314

Manipula ing Memory Areas 315


find_vma_prev t)317

tin d_vma_intersection() 317

mmap() and do_mmap() :Creating an

Address Interval 318

munna p() and do_munmap() ; Removing an

Address Into rval 320

Page Tables 320

Conclusion 322



16 The PageCache and Page Writeback 323

Approaches to Caching 323

Write Caching 324

Cache Eviction 324

The Linux PageCache326

Least Recently Used 325

The Two-List Strategy 325

The address space Object 326

address_space Operations 328

Radix Tree330

The Old Page HashTable 330

The Buffer Cache330

The Flusher Threads 331

Laptop Mode 333

Hello, World l 338

Building Modules340

History:bdflush.k updated, and pdf lush 333

Avoiding Congestion with Multiple Threads 334

Conclusion 335

17 Devices and Modules 337

Device Types 337

Modules 338

Living in the SourceTree 340

Living Externally 342

Installing Modules 342

Gone rating Module Dependencies 342

Loading Modules 343

Managing Configuration Options 344

Module Parameters 346

Exported Symbols 348

The Device Model 348

kobj oct s 349

K types 350

K sets351

Interrelation of K objects, K types, and K sets 351

Managing and Manipula tng K objects 352

xvii lCan tents

Reference Counts 353

sysfs 355

GettingStarted 363

Bugs in the kernel 364

Debugging by Printing 364

Incrementing and Decrementing

Reference Counts 354

K refs354

Robustness 365

Log levels 365

The Log Buffer 366

syslogd and klogd367

Transposing printf() and printk() 367

k syn oops369


Kernel Debugging Options 370

Asserting Bugs and Dumping Information 370

The Saga of aKe mel Debugger 372

gdb 372


Poking and Probing the System 373

Using UID as a Conditional 373

Using Condition Variables 374

Using Statistics 374

Rate and Occurrence Limiting Your Debugging 375

Add ng and Rem aving k objects from systs 357

Adding Files to sysfs 358

Default Attributes358

Creating New Attributes 359

Destroying Attributes 360

sysfs Conventions 360

The Kem el Events Layer 361

Can clusion 362

18 Debugging 363

Do ps367

Magic SysRq Key 371



Binary Sear a hing to Find the Culprit Change 376

Binary Searching with Git 376

When All Else Fails:The Community 377

Conclusion 378

19Portabllity 379

20 Patches, Hacking, and the Community 395

Portable Operating Systems 379

History af Portability in Linux 380

Word Size and DataTypes 381

Dpa que Types 384

Special Types 384

Explicitly Sized Types385

Signedness of Chars 386

Data Alignment 386

Avoiding Alignment Issues 387

Al in ment af Nonstandard Types 387

Structure Padding 387

Byte Dr der 389

Time 391

PageSize 391

Processor Dr dering 392

SMP Kernel Preemption, and High Me mary 393

Conc i usion 393

The Community395

Linux Coding Style396


Switch Statements396


Braces 398

Line Length399

Naming 400

Functions 4D 0

Comments 400

Typedefs 401

Use Existing





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